Showing Products 1 - 60 of 97 Total Products
Shop our extensive line of custom printed folders, envelopes and document holders at Health Promotions Now. Just add your own company or practice logo and important healthy message to the gift or giveaway of your choice and start growing your brand in no time! Ordering is easy, and our experienced team members are waiting to assist you with questions, quotes or orders. Email us or call 800.378.6376 for more information today.
Health Promotions Now has the custom printed folders, document holders and envelopes that are perfect for helping students, business professionals and medical staff stay organized, keep projects and presentations easily managed and grow more and more appreciation for your brand with each and every use. Give these out at your next health fair, awareness event or medical conference and help everyone stay ahead of the game with your cleverly branded handouts.
At Health Promotions Now we have the ultimate collection for organizing important medical, professional or personal documents at home or at work that anyone will find useful and convenient. Our options are available in every color, finish or document size you could want, from translucent document envelopes with snap or string closures to heavy duty file folders made from dura-hyde or polyester and standard paper folders, like the ones we all used in school, available in dozens of solid colors. Make any one of these useful gifts even more appealing by adding your own company logo.
Getting your own customized folders or document holders in time for your next important event is simple. Just place your order online with our secure website or call to let one of our knowledgeable representatives help you. We will walk you through the process with ease and then get you on your way to having folders with your logo delivered to your door in no time.
Get started today by ordering online or calling 800.378.6376 for help. We can guarantee you will be happy you did.